
Mayan mystery: an ancient god returns to earth in Chichen Itza

As the sun sets on the day of the autumn equinox in September and the shadows fall across El Castillo, the pyramid that dominates the sacred heart of the ancient Maya city of Chichen Itza, the mysterious shape of a huge snake appears and ripples across the stairway. This is the symbol of Kukulcan, the feathered serpent god, returning to earth to give hope to his followers.

The ancient temple builders aligned the pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Kukulcan, so precisely to catch the rays of the setting sun on the days of the spring and fall equinoxes in March and September. Triangles of light and shadow form along the side of the north staircase creating the shape of a snake, which merges with a huge carved head at the foot of the building. The illusion is created of a gigantic serpent slithering down from the heavens and across the ground towards the Sacred Cenote. The March equinox heralded the spring planting season for the Maya and that of September the time to harvest their crops.

The autumn equinox falls on September 22 in 2024, and the light and shadow snake is also visible the day before and after the equinox, cloud cover permitting. If you plan your trip to witness the Equinox phenomena, it will add even more magic to your visit, but of course, there’s much more to see than the pyramid. As you explore this huge site, which is still being excavated, you’ll see why it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Exploring Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza. The Great Plaza

The Great Plaza

The sacred heart of Chichen Itza is dominated by the Pyramid of Kukulcan, also known as El Castillo. This 25-meter-high pyramid is a solar clock, aligned to catch the rays of the setting sun on the spring and fall equinoxes in March and September. Triangles of light and shadow form along the side of the north staircase and the figure of a snake appears, merging with the head of a stone snake at the foot of the building, creating the illusion of a gigantic serpent slithering down from the heavens and across the ground towards the Sacred Cenote. The apparition of this mysterious figure is testimony to the skill of ancient astronomers and architects.

The snake symbolizes Kukulcan (also known as Quetzalcoatl in central Mexico), the feathered serpent god, returning to earth to give hope to his followers and heralding the spring planting and fall harvest seasons for the Maya.

The Ball Court in the Great Plaza is the largest in the Maya World. It was here that the Maya played a fast-moving ball game in which teams of warriors had to get a rubber ball through a stone ring high up on the wall of the court with their elbows, wrists and hips without kicking it or using their hands. Priests and nobles would watch the game from the viewing platform in the South Temple.

The ball game had religious and mythological overtones and was linked to the eternal battle between light and darkness, good and evil, death and rebirth. The carved panels on the court walls show warriors, ball players in full regalia and the ritual decapitation of one of the team captains.

The acoustics in the ball court are incredible – you can literally stand at one end and clap and be heard by someone standing at the other end, 146 meters away.

Chichen Itza. The Temple of the Jaguars

The Temple of the Jaguars

The jaguar or balam was a sacred animal for the Maya; it was the bearer of the sun on its nightly journey through the Underworld and was associated with war on account of its ferocity and strength. It comes as no surprise that the jaguar was venerated in the warlike city of the Itzae and that it even has a temple to honor it.

Jaguars, Mayan and “Toltec” warriors, feathered serpents and even a battle scene appear in the friezes in the upper and lower temples. The lower temple also has a jaguar throne.

Chichen Itza. Tzompantli


This low platform in the Great Plaza was a skull rack upon which the heads of sacrificial victims or captives were displayed. The wall carvings have a military theme and show skulls, warriors, serpents and eagles devouring hearts.

Chichen Itza. Temple of the Warriors

Temple of the Warriors

Built on top of an earlier temple called Chac Mool, the massive Temple of the Warriors is famous for its columns covered with carvings of warriors and priests; panels featuring Kukulcán emerging from the jaws of a snake, jaguars and eagles devouring hearts, a mural showing an attack on a coastal village by seagoing warriors in canoes, Atlantes figures, standard bearers, and a Chac Mool statue on the upper level surrounded by feathered serpent pillars that once supported the temple roof. The architecture is a blend of Mayan and central Mexican elements.

Chichen Itza. The Court of a Thousand Columns

The Court of a Thousand Columns

The colonnades in front of and to the south of the Temple of the Warriors were originally covered with a wooden roof and may have been halls that were used during ceremonies or for gatherings during which nobles discussed city policy. The colonnade extending from the front of the Temple of the Warriors to the northwest consists of 221 pillars, each one carved with a unique portrait of a warrior, priest, noble and captives. The courtyard formed by these walkways housed ball courts, temples, steam baths and the Mercado or Market, also thought to have been the site of the Popol Nah or council chamber.

Chichen itza. The Sacred Well

The Sacred Well

A short walk from the Great Plaza along a sacbe is the Sacred Cenote, a deep sinkhole that was once the site of sacrificial ceremonies to appease Chaac, the rain god. The Maya believed that cenotes and caves were entrances to the Underworld, the home of the gods and therefore holy places.

This cenote has been dredged several times and offerings of gold figurines, turquoise, jade, rubber, pottery and copal have been recovered, along with the bones of sacrificial victims.

Chichen Itza. The Ossuary

The Ossuary

Also known as the Tomb of the High Priest in reference to the burials found in a cave under the pyramid, the Ossuary was built some time during the 9th century. The wall carvings feature serpents, birds with the face of Itzamna, the chief god in the Mayan pantheon, cacao, fruit, Chaac masks and images of Kukulcan.

En route to the Observatory you see the House of the Deer and the Chichanchob or Colored House, two of the site’s earlier buildings. Archaeologists are currently studying hieroglyphic inscriptions found at the Colored House.

Chichen Itza. Observatory

Ancient Observatory

El Caracol, also known as the Observatory, is a round tower on a square platform that was used by ancient Mayan priests and astronomers to study the heavens. It has a viewing platform and wells to mirror starlight, and was aligned to catch sunsets and moonsets on both equinoxes and to mark the course of Venus. Round towers are rare in the Maya World and are a central Mexican innovation. Archaeologists have discovered that the Observatory had at least six building phases.

Maya Chichen

The group of buildings located to the south of the Observatory was built during the period A.D. 600-900 in the Puuc architectural style typical of southwestern Yucatan and characterized by elaborate friezes featuring curl snouted masks of Chaac, the rain god. The largest building is Las Monjas, which had seven building phases and was christened “The Nunnery” by Diego de Landa because it resembled the convents of Spain. The East Annex and La Iglesia (the Church) are smaller buildings with magnificent upper friezes.

Paths lead on from this area into Chichen Viejo, where there are more clusters of earlier temples in the forest. Archaeologists are still at work in this area.

Ready to visit Chichen Itza?

Thomas More Travel offers several day trips to Chichen Itza and if you decide to explore the eastern Yucatan, tour desk staff will help you plan a private tour and your sightseeing itinerary.